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Welcome! You are now browsing Ian’s Digital Garden (https://iangoh.squarespace.com). This is my personal space for learning in public. I am a lifelong learner so everything is a Work-In-Progress like me, but I do not let perfectionism get in the way. That means that what you read here is not authoritative or complete, and is not representative of my best work.

However, it is representative of my interests and current state of knowledge, and if you have the same interests, then this space is also yours to use as a reference. Feedback and social sharing is welcome - that is the whole point of being public!

1. Right to Be Wrong

I have a right to be wrong or incomplete in my Digital Garden, either due to limited time or knowledge. You will not hold this, or my readership, against me because I will keep learning, with your help. Everything in the Digital Garden is a living document and I will retract or rephrase things I no longer agree with.

2. Constructive Criticism

You are expressly welcome to comment on, tear apart, counter-argue, or outright disagree on anything here. No compliment sandwich needed - I learn most from critics. I will listen to you and am open to being wrong but I don’t promise to agree with you. Please also suggest what else I should include, read, watch, or listen to, or tell me what you would have written instead.

Better yet, write a better version of what I did and publish it on your own Garden. I’d love to read it.

3. Attribute, don’t Plagiarize

Don’t plagiarize. Don’t misattribute. Don’t misrepresent. You’re welcome to quote, with attribution and a link back here. I don’t waive copyright for commercial purposes. But feel free to share ideas and riff off of them.

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You may use any of my content for any purpose if you both attribute credit and offer it using the exact same Creative Commons license.

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